My real hair is med ash blond. 6 mths ago I started to weave it instead, in hopes of making it more healthly. Now, I have a distinct line between the two different colors. Will this blend in gradually?
I have always died my hair blond (2/3 foils bleach %26amp; 1/3 golden blond).?
Sure! If you keep getting your hi- and low- lights eventually it will blend. Ask your stylist to do smaller sections maybe. Let them know what you want, that's what you are paying for! You might as well get what you want. Have you thought about going with a base color (dying all your hair one color), then getting both hi- and low- lights. Usually, I think it blends better that way. Good luck!
I have always died my hair blond (2/3 foils bleach %26amp; 1/3 golden blond).?
Not sure about that, but another alternative is to "wash" the color, back to something of your original color. You'd probably have to do this a total of two or three times throughout the growth period, but you do this until the unhealthy hair grows out and your natural hair works. (You just cut the hair by inches every so often).
I have always died my hair blond (2/3 foils bleach %26amp; 1/3 golden blond).?
you have to add a darker tone in to blend it bleach golden blonde and alight brown
I have always died my hair blond (2/3 foils bleach %26amp; 1/3 golden blond).?
if you hair is ash go get a darker color like brown and after a week go back and get a glonden blonde and put that on you hair it will work just great
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