Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

seriously, im a natural blond and there aren't many people my age with hair my color, espically guys, but why can't people just be happy with what God gave them, it's almost as if blonde is the new brunette, and is anyone here from louisiana?? yes random i know

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

This has been reported.

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

they think their hot that way

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

Whats wrong with dying your hair blonde, mine is naturally blonde, but i choose to lighten it more .

Eh its my life.

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

dont know mayb they think they will have more fun..

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

Blondes have more fun! And we have the last laugh when it comes to dumb blonde jokes!

Why do so many people die their hair blond?

are you 2? god also gave us teeth - now that there's the miracle of a toothbrush, does this mean don't brush? grow up - who cares!

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