Thursday, October 8, 2009

I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?

I would like to bleach it..but I don't want it to be too blond. Is there a way to simmer down the effects of the bleach and not make it so noticable?

I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?

mix lemon juice with a little bit of peroxcide and put in hair

let it dry in the sun, if u do it a couple times u can see a huge difference... it will make many shades of blond too, it looks very naturral

u can also do it with out peroxicide so it doesnt "destoy" you hair, it just works a little less, and hilights wont make ur whole head lighter so ppl will obviously nitice it

it ALSO makes your hair very very soft :)

need any more help

I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?

The best way to brighten your hair is to add lighter highlights. This way, you don't overdo it, and it's easier to fix if you realize it isn't the intensity you wanted.

Try Feria, a boxed kit for about 9.99. It's almost impossible to mess up, and is easy to use. It's also much easier on your hair than other 'techniques'

Lemon Juice and Peroxcide is a great way to completely destroy your hair; don't do it! It eats away at the pigment, as well as the actual strands of hair themselves, making them brittle and frizzy!

I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?


I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?

put lemon juice in your hair and let it dry in the sun. then go wash. repeat daily until you get the results you want

I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?

well you could go in the sun alot...but that is not good for your skin.... you could bleach it a little?

good luck!!!!! :)

I have blond hair...but i want to make it lighter. How can I do this?

lemon juice works if you want to use that. you need to sit in the sun with the lemon juice and you hair and then wash it out later.

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