Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do guys like blond hair? short or long hair?. crazy girls? shy layed back? really petite skinny girl

i have blond hair

blue eyes

longer than shoulder length hair

not short or tall

age 12

75 pounds

does a guy like that kind of girl? Shoud i play hard to get?

Do guys like blond hair? short or long hair?. crazy girls? shy layed back? really petite skinny girls?

girl just be yourself

boys are just plain wierd, u cant really tell what they are thinking

if he likes you, he likes you and he'll eventually show it

you have to trust me on this one, im 14, ive had experience

Do guys like blond hair? short or long hair?. crazy girls? shy layed back? really petite skinny girls?

I agree with cherry08. I am a guy and if there is a feeling between us that makes us go crazy and do stupid things when around each other then you to are for each other. Just be your self, because no one really knows what they like in a lover.

Do guys like blond hair? short or long hair?. crazy girls? shy layed back? really petite skinny girls?

Okay you 12 why you worrieng bout this stuff anyway just be yourself if he doesn't except you for who you are then he isn't worth it at all!!!!!!

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