Thursday, October 8, 2009

How do i go about dying the tips of my blond hair black?

I have long blond hair that is layered. I'm looking to do something different with it, something that isn't too permanent. I figure if I can dye the tips black, I can always just cut my hair when I get sick of it. How should I go about dying it? I want it to blend in nicely :) thanks!

How do i go about dying the tips of my blond hair black?

hmm as a man ..

not sure how to answer other than

see a beautician..


How do i go about dying the tips of my blond hair black?

you could paint your tips with a dye brush and wrap it in tin foil to avoid the rest of your hair. Also, there's this cap in a highlighting box that you can purchase at any store or sally's, that has holes and you pull the hair through to dye. If you want all the tips black, comb your hair in a tight pony tail to the top of your forehead and dye the ends. Goodluck and make sure you wipe up any extra dye off your skin.

How do i go about dying the tips of my blond hair black?

No matter how you look at it Black and Blond do not mix nicely. If you do not have the money to go to a salon then you need a friend who can do this for you .....tip your head upside down ....all the way down so all of your layers are at one length.....mix up the color and only tip the ends with the color.....or coarse she should have gloves on.....and this is not a speed contest she should be taking her time....Black is the worst color to get out of a head aside of cutting it out. you have to stay in this position till it times out per box instructions....or go to a salon and have them foil your ends....because you are blond they would use a blue black so your ends come up black and not another color the black might have in

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