Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American cult

This one Swedish-American girl with blond hair, blue eyes is married to a Japanese guy. She is an elementary teacher and her husband is a computer engineer, yet her family and friends do not accept her marriage. Her family members, and white friends from high school constantly ask her, "Why don't you like your own kind? Don't you realize that your children are going to have pale skin and slanted eyes?"

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

true love doesn't have a colour or race. she should choose to be with who truly makes her happy and treats her well, no matter what race, creed, religion or colour. if she runs across people along the way who do not support her, she needs to dig deep and decide who is going to be there for her in the long run... you can't pick your family, but you can pick who you spend your life with. those that are educated and socialized will understand and support their loved ones, whether they agree with her choices or not. this is not to say that she shouldn't take advice and or experiences by others under consideration for her future health and happiness, but there's no room for ignorance, bigotry or racism in this already sickly world.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Drowzeee (the 14th from the top) makes a great point as well. This girl needs to be proud of who she is, a wise individual. I also agree that she should not insult all white people. It is wrong for one to stereotype ANY race, whether it is another race or your own race. Report It

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

No and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long to read

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

It is not wrong for her to do that and I will add more to this when I finish reading all of this.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

u could shorten that a bit....

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

just from the first line: no, she's not wrong. I am having an ADD moment, sorry~

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

And just exactly is your point among that jumble of words and rants?

It's not wrong for anyone to enjoy another culture that is different from the one in which they were raised. Those that express their objections should either be totally ignored, or told to keep their opinions to themselves. There is no way that she should feel she has to justify her preferences. And certainly not in the excessive manner in which you've just written your question.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?


Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

A girl with yellowish hair is BLONDE, not blond. Only a guy can be blond.

People choose what they like, culturally. I have no problem with that.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

That's a whole lot 'uh story there.

Let me put it to you like this.

Sweden to Japan: 4958.33mi

USA to Japan: 5844.9 mi.

Her roots are a LOT closer to Japan than to the US. Besides, blond hair and blue eyes didn't originate here any more than black skin and pink eyes (my appologies to the native Americans).

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?


Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Wow. That was too long. Couldn't you have condensed the question?

No, there is nothing wrong with a person admiring another race. I think it is natural since she is married to a Japanese man. Her family and friends are wrong in making racial remarks. "Pale Skin?!" Haha......they are the ones being called white. They should be supporting her instead. There's nothing wrong with the guy; it looks like he is very reliable.

I'm Asian American. I was born in this country and lived here since. Though, I don't appreciate the American race as much as the Japanese. I agree, Japanese people are reserved, respectful, trustworthy, and hardworking.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

It's okay for her to marry the guy she loves and can live with, and her family and friends should just back off, for cryin' out loud.

Her car analogy is rather amusing though. My first car was a Toyota Camry Station Wagon. My second car was a Saturn SW2. After the Toyota, the Saturn felt ... well, cheap.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Well, at least you got that off your chest. You make it appear that all white Americans are unreliable. I've been married for fifty-three years, and have never even thought of another girl. My next door neighbors have been married for almost seventy years, the couple above them, over sixty years.

Right here, in this neighborhood, most couples married for life. One time around.

Why don't people like their own kind ? Likes and dislikes are personal, and can't be explained . Roman proverb, " De gustibus, non est desputantus ".

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

I'm glad your friend can be tolerant of other cultures and stand up to the ignorant people in her life. She needs to know that she's white and needs to be proud of who she is. Not because of her race, but because she is wise and tolerant of others. Don't insult all the white race. I mean, I'm white, I know white people aren't the best in the world and neither is any other race. She's starting to get on the self hating whitey train. She needs to stop, and realize that there are good and bad people in every race. She was just unfortunate enough to know too many white idiots at one time.

P.S. Japanese people rule! I love their street culture! It's so unique and daring. Your friend's family don't know what they're missing.

P.S.S. What about Mazda? Those are some badass Japanese cars. I love my Mazda. It's my 3rd one. I'm gonna buy another when I get more money.... I think an RX-8. Here I am getting off subject. My apologies. Tell your friend that as long as her husband treats her well with dignity and respect, who cares what race or culture he's from.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Nope the Japanese are cooler anyway.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

It's not wrong at all, but why the stereotypes?

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Yes-if she has a disrepect for her caucasion heritage. If she is ok whith being who she was at birth-white, this is just her preference and I would hope not her condemnation of white guys and the white race.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

It's your life, hon. You like who or what you like.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Its not wrong and her family should accept that

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

No its not wrong for her to like a japanese guy. And although alot of white guys are stupid like u said u cant fit us all into that catagory were not all bad :( But anyways its not bad Most of the US is marrying people out side of there "Roots"

oh ya whos cares if its long sure u can with some of the reading %26gt;.%26gt;

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

Both sides are stereotyping and are completely wrong. You shouldn't generalize because American men and Japanese men can be some real losers and some are really good guys. Please tell her not to compare men to cars -- next she'll be singing "You remind me of my Jeep," like R. Kelly.

Is it so wrong for a blond hair, blue eye girl to desire the Japanese culture over her American culture?

it's always a problem when you look down on your own culture and people there's special things about every race and nationality. Be proud of your swedish heritage. I'm proud of my african one.

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