Thursday, July 30, 2009

My hair is orange red from the bleach I bought toner will it make my hair turn to a light blond?

My hair is half blonde and half red orange.Only my roots turned blond blond. My hair was a pitch black.Should I use toner to take it out?

My hair is orange red from the bleach I bought toner will it make my hair turn to a light blond?

A toner really only works well if your hair is bleached very light. It sounds like your hair is not light enough.

You can either lighten it more, which may totally damage your hair or dye it a darker color that will help cover the reddish color. Use a color with ash as it helps tone down brassy red. I am going by my own experiences

Good Luck!

My hair is orange red from the bleach I bought toner will it make my hair turn to a light blond?

Your hair obviously has a red base to it, so you probably won't be able to completeley bleach it all out. The idea is to bleach it untill you get it close to blonde, then use a toner (ash blonde colour), which will cover the orange and give you the desired effect.

My hair is orange red from the bleach I bought toner will it make my hair turn to a light blond?

I would go to a salon and get it fixed. It's called color correction. I had a similar problem trying to go from a dark brown to a dark blonde color and my roots turned out such a different color. I went to a salon and they used bleach then a toner and i got a nice dark blonde and light blonde highlighting job done. Search around and go to a salon that you think you can trust because it really is worth the money to get a dark to light coloring job done at a salon instead of at home.

My hair is orange red from the bleach I bought toner will it make my hair turn to a light blond?

I have just been through the same thing, i have gotten my hair light from jet black, i recommend you colour over the orange tones with a brown, wait a few weeks and then have all over highlights done, build the blonde gradually, every few weeks re-highlight your hair, it took 3 months for me to achieve light hair from very black. Black to blonde is not something that (without hair extensions due to breakage and hair loss through continual bleaching) can be done over night. Do it gradually and build it up.

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